The cover reveal for Here All Along is finally here

Hello pretty people!

I am so very pleased to present the cover for my debut, Here All Along.

Here All Along
Release date: February 14th 2014
Designed by Marie Landry
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Every time Hazel Bell goes on a date, she returns home unhappy and disenchanted about love. At least her best friend Adrian Williams is always there for her, even more so now that they're roommates. After both of them have a bad night out, they decide to just relax and forget the world for awhile. It's been a long time since they've been alone together. They certainly weren't counting on the close quarters bringing out hidden desires. Now it appears their platonic friendship is being put to the test—one that neither can resist. By the end of the night, will it be the end for Hazel and Adrian—or a new beginning?

Isn't it gorgeous? I'm super excited!

Check out my little teasers...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

An enormous thank you goes out to Raina at Grapevine Book Tours and to every single one of you participating in the reveal. I appreciate it very much!

Lilly Avalon <3

Want to be part of the cover reveal for Here All Along?

Hello all!

I would love to have you show off the shiny new cover (designed by Marie Landry) for Here All Along. The lovely Raina from Grapevine Book Tours is helping put together this event. There's still plenty of time to sign up. You'll not only be able to share the cover, but also some teasers from the book itself. The reveal will be on January 22nd.

So, what do you say?

Here's the link to sign up:

I hope you are able to take part in this event! I can't wait for you to see this lovely cover.

Lilly Avalon <3

PS: I've also joined Twitter! So, please follow me if you can. Here's the link:

I'm on Goodreads... and so is Here All Along

Hey there you wonderful people!

Just a quick post to let you know that I'm now on Goodreads as an author. Also, Here All Along is up and available to add to your shelves. Here are the links:

Author page:
Here All Along:

The cover for Here All Along is finished and will be revealed as soon as I get it all set up. I'll post again when sign-ups are open for the cover reveal and I would love it if I could get as many people as possible to join in on sharing this cover. I really adore it and can't wait to share it with everyone!

Lilly Avalon <3

The first project has a title

Hello lovelies!

I'm currently writing my short story about roommates. I'm quite pleased with how it's turning out and I can't wait to share the synopsis with you. I also have a cover in the works but it's not done quite yet. But I do have one thing I can share with you, and that's the title. The title for this short story is Here All Along. I'm working on getting my Goodreads profile together and getting the book up and available to add to shelves. And I'm hoping to have more details (synopsis, cover, release date, links) available very soon. For now, I'm off to write!

Lilly Avalon <3