The return of Irresistibly Yours and a shiny new cover!

Hello lovelies!

I don't know if you remember or not, but I started a compilation of short erotica stories called Irresistibly Yours on Wattpad back in 2015 a couple months before releasing Unexpected. I published one story in 3 parts, expecting to write another short story in the next few months. I never finished another short story.

A few months ago, I pulled up that long lost second short story and decided it was time to rework it into something good so I had a new story to share on Wattpad. I played around with it a bit, adding some new words, changing around others, but it didn't feel right. So I set it aside as something to tweak in my mind, which I did.

I'm super happy to announce that Irresistibly Yours will be returning in the next couple months!

The next story, titled Breaking the Rules, is nearly done. After I read through it a couple times and give it some edits and revisions, I'll decide on when it's going live. I'll probably divide it into 3 parts again like the first story (unless it ends up being longer, then I'll do 4) and space them out over a week or two.

Cover Change!

Also? I redesigned the cover! The original one was done on a whim with an old photo program I used to use, so it wasn't that pretty. It was mainly there as a placeholder until I could get a better one designed. I decided the other day to play around on PicMonkey, my new go-to photo program for my teasers and more. I managed to put together a much prettier design than before! It isn't finalized (I don't think it's centered right), but it's fairly close to what the official cover will be at a later date.



I'm very in LOVE with it, especially since the author font is a better match to the one I use on my other books. What do you think??

So, go take a look at the first story on Wattpad to prepare yourself for story #2, which features a character from story #1 getting her HEA. I'll keep you guys in the know on when Breaking the Rules will be coming, along with a short synopsis, which I'll be writing up soon.

Later, lovelies!

Glass City Author Event 2016 Pictures and Stuff

Hello lovelies!

I'm long overdue for this post... don't know why I never got around to sharing it. The end of 2016 was kind of whirlwind because Kyle and I got engaged, we went to the Glass City Author Event, went on vacation, then the holidays rolled around... then in the beginning of 2017 we eloped. Heh... so, yeah, I was a bit distracted! Oops! But better late than never, right??

The first annual Glass City Author Event was on October 8th 2016 in Toledo, Ohio. Kyle and I had to get up early to get there early to set up my table. I was nervous since it was my very first author event, not just as an author, but ever. I hadn't even gone to one as a reader! And given the fact that I have anxiety, that kinda made it a teensy bit more intimidating. Fortunately for me, Kyle was amazing and helped me out immensely. He was my salesman. And my bestie since Kindergarten, Stephanie came by and had me officially sign her copies of my books.

I met a bunch of authors, bloggers, readers, editors, PAs... just so many new people. It was great to connect and to make new friends. I even met someone who had read a few of my books! I sold several copies of books, and had a bunch of people pick up swag for themselves and giveaways and to remind them to buy my ebooks.

All in all it was a really amazing day. It kinda drained me a bit since it was so overwhelmingly wonderful to be in the midst of all the bookishness and there was so much to take in!

Here are photos from the event...

Me with (my then fiancé) Kyle at my table

Kyle sitting at the table in front of all my books, swag, and goodies

In the background is the large inflatable penis that everyone was signing. My signature is on there, too.

View from my seat at the table!

I'll be attending the 2nd annual Glass City Author Event on October 28th this year, so if you're interested, be sure to buy your tickets (VIP and general admission) so I can see you there!