Cover Reveal for Winter Wishes and Holiday Kisses Anthology

Saturday, May 25, 2024 No comments

I am super excited to FINALLY get to share with you that I'm part of the Winter Wishes and Holiday Kisses Anthology!

My friends-to-lovers holiday story, Cookie Dough and Mistletoe, will be in this anthology with a bunch of other AMAZING steamy romance authors. All the books included in this anthology will be winter holiday themed.

Today is the official cover reveal day, so here's the cover!

Get ready to be swept off your feet by the flames of desire in the Winter Wishes and Holiday Kisses anthology. This exclusive anthology celebrates the winter holidays with contemporary romance that will thaw even the coldest of hearts.

From snowy landscapes to festive celebrations, these stories capture the essence of the season in all its splendor. From friends-to-lovers, forced proximity, grumpy/sunshine, and more, these authors invite you to experience the magic and steaminess of the holidays.

Don't miss your chance to experience the ultimate holiday romance. Order your copy today and melt away the winter chill.

Isn't it HOT?! I cannot wait for y'all to get your hands on this anthology.

Happy New Year 2024!

Monday, January 1, 2024 No comments

Hello lovelies!

Welcome to the new year! I hope your 2023 was great and that your 2024 starts off strong!

Last year was a rollercoaster of a year for me, so there wasn't a lot that I was able to accomplish like I intended. While I wasn't able to do many writing goals, I was able to take care of myself through my impending divorce, so I'm calling the year a win for me.

Let's go over the goals from last year to this year...


My goal for 2023 was to write as much as I could, including publishing the second Star Struck novella, Somebody to Adore. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to write or publish anything new. On the bright side, I did do a lot of outlining and replotting stories, as well as come up with some new stories and series ideas that I'm excited to write.

For 2024, I do want to write and publish Somebody to Adore. I've reworked the outline into something that flows better than my original plan. There are several other ideas that I'm playing around with, too. I also have something holiday related I'm going to be writing on the side. More on that soon!


My Goodreads Reading Challenge for 2023 was 27 books, but I had to reduce it to 12 with everything that was going on in my life. I really miss reading as much as I used to, so I'm hoping that I can achieve 27 in 2024. There are several books I'm really excited to read, including both fiction and non-fiction.

This year will also be the year I move out on my own again, so I would like to spend time making my apartment into a home. I have a bunch of things to decorate and also lots of ideas to make the place beautiful. My aim is to get into a place by March, so wish me luck there!


My word for 2023 was DETERMINATION. While some aspects of the word didn't come to fruition, others definitely did! I managed to push through one of the hardest times in my life and somehow come out a lot stronger than I thought I ever could. Friends and family surely did help along the way, and for that I'm eternally grateful.

When deciding on a word for 2024, I had trouble narrowing it down, so I decided to go with the four that felt like they suited best. Here they are:


They really cover what I'd like my 2024 to be. I want to EMERGE from my cocoon, make PROGRESS toward my goals, RISE above the ashes, and simply THRIVE in my life.

Have a great year!