Happy New Year 2025!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025 No comments

Hello lovelies!

Happy new year to you all! How was your 2024? Do you have plans for 2025?

Although I didn't accomplish everything I intended to last year, I still managed to do a few things that I'm proud of. Let's talk about what I did and what I would like to do this year!

Writing and Publishing

There were a few projects I wanted to write last year, but only one of them was accomplished. That was the holiday romance titled Cookie Dough and Mistletoe, which was featured in the Winter Wishes and Holiday Kisses Anthology (still currently available). I just barely got it written in time to submit to the anthology, but I made it and I absolutely love how the story turned out.

I haven't decided entirely on my goals for this year, though. November and December were a bit of a whirlwind between work and other things, so I didn't have much of a chance to really think things over. One thing that will be happening is that I'll be publishing Cookie Dough and Mistletoe on its own later in the year once the anthology is over. I'd love to write another holiday romance because CD&M was lots of fun to write, but I also would like to finally get Somebody to Adore finally written. No matter what, I'll aim to at least publish one new book!


My Goodreads Reading Challenge was 27 books, but I was only able to read 17 altogether, which was an improvement on 2023, so I'll take it! The goal for 2025 is 27 books again, and I want to actually reach that goal this year. I'd also like to put forth the effort into broadening my reading horizons with other genres, including some banned books I've always wanted to read.

As far as getting a place of my own, I did! It happened in June and everything went swimmingly. My apartment is pretty nice and I've started to get it decorated and organized. It's still a work-in-progress, mostly because I had to empty out my storage locker and there are boxes stacked up in my living room, but my goal in the coming months is to go through everything and either donate or find a place it belongs in my home.

Something else that I did was adopt a cat! His name is Waverlee, and he's an all-black kitty, my little witchy void. He was brought to the rescue I got him from when he was 2 days old, and he was 2 years old when I adopted him. This little guy is one of the bright spots in my life and I am so glad I brought him into it.

Word of the Year

Last year I had four words: EMERGE * PROGRESS * RISE * THRIVE. I said in my 2024 post "I want to EMERGE from my cocoon, make PROGRESS toward my goals, RISE above the ashes, and simply THRIVE in my life."

Although I sometimes like to doubt that I've accomplished certain things, I have to say that I feel like I was able to embody all four of those words. I've become a little less of a homebody by spending time with friends more, put forth effort in taking care of things that will help me in the future, learned how to bloom again, and found joy in the small treasures in the world that I come across.

For 2025, I've decided on four more words:


I want to REFRESH my space, RECONNECT with myself, RECLAIM what I've lost, and REIGNITE my passions.

Have a great year!