Happy New Year, lovelies!
I hope 2022 is off to a good start for you. I'll probably be spending today mostly relaxing while simultaneously getting excited to get a jump start on my goals for 2022. Yesterday I discussed what my goals were for 2021 and what I had accomplished. Today, I'm talking all about the plans for the new year!
Back in November, I "participated" in NaNoWriMo. And by "participated" I mean that I wrote more than I had in months. I started writing portions of three different stories, whichever one was tickling my fancy at the time. It felt nice to simply WRITE again after being on hiatus for so long.
Of the stories I began last year, two of them are novellas I would like to publish this year. I've made some headway on them both by the end of 2021, so I have a good feeling that I'll be able to share them with you before the end of the year.
I'm also going to be participating in a very special project that will be starting up sometime this summer. It's still in the beginning stages, so I can't divulge too much of it just yet, but this project will lead to me having at least one more story for you (maybe two). Don't worry, I'll share ALL THE DETAILS of it with you as soon as they're available.
I don't want to hold too high of expectations with myself, but I do want you to know that there will be something new from me in 2022. Follow me on social media for updates and also be sure to come back to the blog for announcements in the future!
Wishing you all a wonderful new year!