Every month I share an update about what I'm writing in my Monthly Writing Update!
Here's the latest for the month of February.
Have I accomplished this?
Not quite. I had a rough start of it at the beginning of the month. It took me forever to complete the first chapter, and once I did write it, I still wasn't 100% sure it was exactly what I wanted. Even though it wasn't perfect, it was still a good start. That good start can be fixed during revisions later. I made myself some notes of things to adjust in it and I know that once I'm in revision mode, I'll be able to see more clearly the direction I want it to go in.
The grand total as of yesterday is 4429 (mostly from only TWO chapters), which is still a mighty fine number if I do say so myself.
Goals for March
To keep on writing as much as I can! I would like to aim for 7500-10,000 again and see if I can do it this time around. April is Camp NaNoWriMo, so if I can get myself on track with my daily word counts, I should be able to participate and possibly finish writing the first draft of this book (or at the very least come very close!).
If you want to keep up with my progress, I'll be posting occasionally on my social media about it, so be sure to follow me.