Lilly Avalon Monthly Writing Update #6 for October 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020 No comments

Every month I share an update about what I'm writing in my Monthly Writing Update!
Here's the latest for the month of October.

If you look at my September update, my main goals for this month were to decide on which book to write next and get started on writing the book.

Have I accomplished this?

Sort of? I debated on which book to write next for most of the month, but then had an epiphany about which one it should be. For the last couple of months, I've been forcing myself to write stories I wasn't passionate about. They weren't bad stories... just weren't stories I needed to tell at this time. Stories that needed work. Stories that needed to be fleshed out more.

This new story is going to be a big task because it's much different than my usual stories. It will be packed with emotion, hard doses of reality, and will more than likely make me cry. It's still a romance, but will have a lot centered on my main character and how she discovers her true self outside of what society told her she needed to be.

Am I on track?

Years ago, I started to write an outline for this story. It was a really simple one, with only a few sentences per chapter. I pulled that back up and began tweaking it more to detail each scene, as well as coming up with all the characters I knew existed in this world. I created character profiles and setting profiles, and will be writing them down on index cards to have handy. I even created a secret Pinterest board (which I'll be sharing someday, of course) for inspiration.

After reading 2000 to 10,000 by Rachel Aaron, I know I can get back to writing on a regular basis and increase my daily word counts if I outline well enough. I'm hoping I've been able to outline this new story enough to start putting what I read into practice.

Goals for November

To start this new story! November is NaNoWriMo, so I'm planning on making the most of it by cheering others on and taking in all the daily motivation from my fellow writers. I may not get 50,000 words (spoiler alert, there's a 99.99% chance I will not), but if I can at least get some words that would make me happy. I would like to aim for a "Half-NaNo" with 25,000 words, but we'll see if I can manage it.

In the meantime, please stay safe out there! Take care and I love you all!