After reading author Molli Moran's 2015 plans, I thought, "You know what? I should do a post on my tentative plans, too," because why not? Should be fun, right? Give you an idea of what's going on in this crazy little mind...
Longing and the continuation of the Resist Series

There will also be a spin off novel featuring a character from the Resist series, and possibly a novella featuring another character. These two stories are very rough ideas in my head and you can probably expect them wayyyyyy down the line, but I really want to keep exploring these characters.
Unexpected--diving into the new adult world
My current work-in-progress is titled Unexpected. It's the new adult story I was working on right before I wrote Resist. I had more than 10,000 words put into it, all written out of order, when I had to set it aside. I just couldn't get it to where it needed to be. Then as soon as I finished writing Longing, the ideas were flowing again. I went through my enormous pile of ideas (and when I say enormous, I mean enormous), and started plotting the story again. And then I figured out part of the reason why I had trouble with writing it before:
It needed to be told in dual point of view.
So I re-plotted it, alternating the different scenes from each character's POV, and it really began to come together. I started to go through what I already wrote to fix all the tiny nuances that weren't working, switch up the POV between my MC and her love interest. Now I'm back at 10,000 words, all in order from the beginning. I've got a good feeling about this one, especially now that I know more about my characters and their story. I'm tentatively looking at a late spring/early summer release date.
A few other ideas in the works
I have... *thinks for a moment* ...about four ideas in the works aside from the ones listed above and below this heading. All four of them are a tangled mess that's slowly unraveling. I have a title for two of them (both novellas), working on titles for the other two (both novels). Three of them are definitely on the erotica side, and one is more along the lines of contemporary romance. Of these four, I would love to have 1 or 2 of them written by the end of 2015, but it's all going to depend on how everything else goes.
One of these four is the novella I have listed under the "Books" tab on this blog, Seduced by Midnight. It's an idea that came to me before Unexpected did. What I describe it as is "romance novel satire". Now, I love historical romances...scratch that...I adore historical romances. The problem with historical romances? You have to do a ton, and I mean A TON, of research to get the details right. No amount of reading them is going to cover it if you want to write one. However, I can write a modern tale taking place at a masquerade ball that pokes fun at historical romances. It's likely this one is going to be a 2016 release.
The other novella is tentatively titled Warm Me Up and it's a snowed in kind of romance. I always love reading books like that, and this idea I've had since I was 12 (seriously!). I'd love to release that one next winter if possible.
The other two novels that are untitled are completely up in the air. I've got ideas flowing on both of them, but I'm trying to not let either interfere with Unexpected... not to mention come up with titles for both of them. Both of their potential releases are unknown at this time.
And one other thing... I'm considering putting together an erotic short story collection. I have about 3 stories so far that I'm plotting, but I would like to have a few more before I consider publishing. I'm not sure when this will be published, but I'm guessing closer to 2016, unless I can get all the stories written sooner.
Regarding Here We Are and More Than Anything
I want SO MUCH to write the continuation of Adrian and Hazel (from Here All Along) and Dana and Landon (from More Than Words). Here's the problem:
While I have a general idea of where I want the story to go, I honestly have no clue how to get it where I want it to be.
I told my best friend the general plots for each--where the story will go, the conflict, the ending--and she liked it a lot. But as I explained certain aspects of the story, she asked me questions... questions that I didn't have answers to. Which led me to the realization that I'm not ready to write these stories. It's one thing to jump into a story with a basic premise, it's another thing to jump into a story and have plot holes that you can't dig yourself out of.
So, both Here We Are (Here All Along #2) and More Than Anything (More Than Words #2) won't be coming your way as quickly as I thought they would. There's a chance that I could figure out the missing pieces in 2015, but I'm going to just say that the chances are slim and you should expect it to happen in 2016 more likely.
And that about wraps it up! There's so much I'd like to do, but unfortunately I have to work a job outside of the house and that takes up a huge chunk of writing time. Until the day I can dedicate more time to writing (by quitting the other job), I'll have to slowly plug away at these ideas. But trust me, they will happen one of these days. I kinda adore the ideas too much to not follow through on them someday. <3
Oooo a suit! ;-)