How are you? I've missed you bunches! <3 <3 <3 As promised, this is a long overdue blog post coming your way. I'll give you an overview of a few things happening, then I'll go into detail on them in future posts this month and throughout the summer.
As you can see, I got the new blog design! Isn't it gorgeous? I think it fits in well with my style. It's easy for me to manage as well, which is a bonus. The old style just wasn't working for me anymore. It was nice, and I did like it, but I needed a change.

As far as my writing goes, it's been slow. Minimal. I dabbled with a winter novella end of last year and had to set it aside because I didn't have enough free time to work out the kinks. I published a poetry compilation under my married name in April. And recently I've decided a story idea from a few years ago should be my next project. I don't want to jinx it because I haven't had the chance to write out a detailed outline (which this one definitely needs), but I'm pretty sure this one will be my next one. I'm hoping to have more information on it soon.
I also started a Patreon and a Ko-Fi for myself. On the Patreon, there are several tiers for patrons to choose from which include all sorts of goodies from me from current and past writing, as well as tips and positive notes. Some tiers also include discounts on my personal assistant services through Sunrise Author Services and my Etsy shop. Also, a few include occasional swag and paperbacks as a bonus.
I'll be attending the Blue Water Author Event in Port Huron, Michigan on June 24th this month, so I'll definitely be sharing pictures and fun stuff from that. I also want to share stuff from the Glass City Author Event that I attended last October (which I'll be attending this coming October, too). So be sure to look out for that post!
Anyways, that's the overview of the latest with Lilly. I hope you all are doing well and I look forward to chatting with you guys more soon!
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