I don't know if you remember or not, but I started a compilation of short erotica stories called Irresistibly Yours on Wattpad back in 2015 a couple months before releasing Unexpected. I published one story in 3 parts, expecting to write another short story in the next few months. I never finished another short story.
A few months ago, I pulled up that long lost second short story and decided it was time to rework it into something good so I had a new story to share on Wattpad. I played around with it a bit, adding some new words, changing around others, but it didn't feel right. So I set it aside as something to tweak in my mind, which I did.
I'm super happy to announce that Irresistibly Yours will be returning in the next couple months!
The next story, titled Breaking the Rules, is nearly done. After I read through it a couple times and give it some edits and revisions, I'll decide on when it's going live. I'll probably divide it into 3 parts again like the first story (unless it ends up being longer, then I'll do 4) and space them out over a week or two.
Cover Change!
Also? I redesigned the cover! The original one was done on a whim with an old photo program I used to use, so it wasn't that pretty. It was mainly there as a placeholder until I could get a better one designed. I decided the other day to play around on PicMonkey, my new go-to photo program for my teasers and more. I managed to put together a much prettier design than before! It isn't finalized (I don't think it's centered right), but it's fairly close to what the official cover will be at a later date.
I'm very in LOVE with it, especially since the author font is a better match to the one I use on my other books. What do you think??
So, go take a look at the first story on Wattpad to prepare yourself for story #2, which features a character from story #1 getting her HEA. I'll keep you guys in the know on when Breaking the Rules will be coming, along with a short synopsis, which I'll be writing up soon.
Later, lovelies!
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